+91 94433 52509 / 91590 52509


Excerpts from Former Professor and Director of Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, Dr. L.B.M. Joseph's Book Titled “I CUT - GOD HEALS” appreciating the Services of 'NATPU' Ministry. In the year 2008 September.

“Therefore, this book is NOT for SALE, and is given to you as a gift with the hope you will enjoy reading it, and share in the joy of my professional life as a surgeon. However if you want to express your appreciation – YOU ARE UNDER NO COMPULSION TO DO SO- please send a donation to one or more charitable organizations listed below, which my wife and I have supported for a period of several years. If you will send a Cheque or a Demand Draft, in the name of the Treasurer of the organization of your choice and send the same to my address given below, I will forward your gifts to the organizations concerned and ask them to send you a receipt. Thank you.


As the name indicates, this organization (N.A.T.P.U.) is for the UPLIFTMENT of tribal children and people. N.A.T.P.U. is a social organization registered under Government of India Societies Act.

In essence, it has a school in the Tribal area itself at Amirthi (perhaps some of you have been to Amirthi on picnic while you were medical students in C.M.C). This school at Amirthi has a Nursery Section and a Primary School section with almost 130 students. Of these 115 students reside in a hostel, and the rest, a small number attend school from their homes,. N.A.T.P.U. provides board and lodge, and uniforms, for the students in addition to education of a high standard.

In addition to the Nursery and Primary school at Amirthi, N.A.T.P.U. offers Secondary School education with hostel facilities in a suburb of Vellore, with over 200 boys and girls, and separate hostel facilities. Some of the students, in recent years, have completed their school studies successfully and taken up a vocation, and a few have gone on to college education.

N.A.T.P.U. was founded and is maintained by Mr. Stanley Mohan and his wife, Jane, and some members of their family. They are very committed Christians, people of integrity, and my wife Jem and I, have always admired their noble work of caring for tribal children, who would not have had any chance, otherwise, of good education, and spiritual and moral growth’.

Just Trust Representative

Dear Stanley & Jane

Here are some comments. I did enjoy myda y with you.

I visited NATPU at the end of January 2011 and accompanied a medical camp, where doctors visit the tribal peoples in or near their own villages (although in this case there was only one doctor because the other had had to cancel at the last moment).

First we went to the centre at Amirthi, which was very neat and well maintained, and I saw the new accommodation block for the teachers. Then we went out in the mini bus to visit the villages. Each time we stopped, some tribal people (mainly women) appeared. They were weighed and their names recorded, then they were seen by the doctor and given some medication. The doctor worked extremely hard until after dark, seeing his last patients by the light of mobile phones.

I was impressed by the commitment and hard work of Stanley and Jane in organising these camps and in running the tribal centre.



The Tribal Directors of Tamilnadu who have visited and appreciated our hostel project at Vellore and school project at Amirthi are as follows :

Mr.Pandian,I.A.S.in the year 2002 June.

Mrs.Shanthinikapoor,I.A.S. in the year 2003 september

Mrs.Kannagi Packyanathan I.A.S.2006 August.

Mr.K.M.Subramanian I.A.S.2008 October

Mr.Giridharan, I.F.S,2011 March.

The secretaries from the Government of India,Ministry of Tribal Affairs visited our projects in the year 2003 and in the year 2016a special team from the Tamilnadu Secrateriate Adi dravidar and Tribal Welfare Visited and wished us all success,

Again in the year 2016 a special officer Mr.Sudhir Galkotia from the Govt of India Ministry of Tribal affairs stayed at our NATPU Tribal Center ,Amirthi He gave good report about our project as he was much staisfied about our dedication and hardwork which we invest in running our school project.