+91 94433 52509 / 91590 52509


What We Do?

Education, Health, Self Employment and various Awareness Programs.

Our Needs

Our NATPU Tribal center, Amirthi requires immediate maintenance works and we are working on this to start all the works like the Electrical,Carpentering,Plumbing,Mason and finally it should also be whitewashed which would Cost of Rs.7.5 Lakhs (10,000 $)approximately

Additional Hostel Buildings, Compound Wall, Additional Class Rooms, Bathrooms, Toilets, Staff Room and Common Office.

School Bus for taking Day–Scholars to School and back home and for transporting people to Medical camps.

Person-To-Person Sponsors for tribal boys & tribal girls towards their cost of education, boarding and accommodation.

Sponsors for evening school at Amirithi Tribal Centre.

Typewriters, Sewing Machines, Computers & Food.

Salaries for hostel wardens, teachers, kitchen staff, drivers and office staff.

Two-wheelers, exercise books, text books and library books for each class in the school

More volunteers from India and Abroad.

Mobile dispensary.

The current most urgent need of the whole maintenance to our NATPU Amirthi Tribal Center estimated cost is round about 7.5 lakhs (10,000$)

Sl.No You Can Be a Partner With NATPU Ministry Amount Rs. In Dollars ($)
1 By Sponsoring a Child / Annum 15,000/- 200$
2 By Sponsoring a Free Medical Camp 25,000/- 320$
3 By Educational Tour for 150 Children 60,000/- 770$
4 By For Vocational Training / Annum 240,000/- 3100$
5 By Morning Breakfast 4,500/- 60$
6 By Lunch-Vegetarian 7,500/- 100$
7 By Lunch(Rice with Egg) 8,500/- 110$
8 By Lunch-Non.Veg 12,000/- 155$
9 By Evening Snacks 3,000/ 40$
10 By Our Capital Expenditure Needs 250 Sponsors at 100,000/ 1300$

Immediate Need

To Accomadate Needy Tribal Children In our Residential Tribal School as well as to collect children around Amrithi Forest Village, already we have ground floor donate for further floors